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Next session will be held April 20th in person At University of New Brunswick, Fredericton


Representing Rotarians in Districts 7815, Atlantic Canada and the French Island of Saint Pierre & Miquelon 

The future of Rotary and the service we give to our community locally and internationally depends on strong club leadership.

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of fast-paced, interactive, one-day courses offered to refine a Rotarian’s leadership skills and increase their base of knowledge in Rotary. Courses are fun, topical, interactive, and geared toward busy business, professional and community leaders who want to be more effective leaders in their vocation and their Rotary club and become more knowledgeable Rotarians.
RLI operates independently from Rotary International and while not an official RI program of RI, it is highly recommended to Rotarians.

Organization:  RLI in Atlantic Canada and the French Island of Saint Pierre & Miquelon is coordinated by the Atlantic Division Atlantique that represents Rotary District 7815.  Rotarian volunteers from District 7815 facilitate the courses.  Generally sessions are held in Moncton, NB in the spring and Truro, NS in the fall. However, additional courses will be organized to meet the needs and demand of Rotary Clubs in the district.

RLI Mission: The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a grassroots, multi-district leadership and Rotary development program using facilitation in small groups to engage Rotarians and strengthen clubs.

About the RLI Program: Established in 1992, RLI has become a worldwide organization with divisions in every continent of the world. While it is an unofficial program of Rotary International, it has support from Rotary International. The basic RLI program consists of series of three one day Parts.  The material in each Part is organized to gradually increase the participant’s Rotary knowledge and leadership skill and the Parts are taken sequentially over a period of time. Brief overviews of the program for each Part may be found on the menu on the left. 

For more information on RLI, see the website at www.rotaryleadershipinstitute.org.

The RLI Recommended Curriculum: RLI recommends a curriculum and provides outlines and materials to all its divisions. The curriculum has been continually revised and upgraded over the years. Because of the growth of RLI, it is expected that major revisions will be recommended every three years in order to give divisions a sufficient opportunity to orient their faculty members and to provide translations where necessary. Important changes in Rotary are provided annually to all divisions. All curriculum materials and available translations are posted on the RLI materials website at www.rlifiles.com.

Those that are interested in becoming one of the Group Discussion Leaders and helping to deliver the RLI Curriculum should consider the GDL Course. This course is offered only when numbers warrant and you should let the RLI team know if you are interested in attending the GDL course.

Special interest, single topic Graduate Level Programs are occasionally delivered if there is interest and demand.

RLI Promotion: Rotary Clubs are encouraged to select at least two candidates for RLI annually. Students return to their club with enthusiasm, new contacts, fresh ideas, an increased understanding of their potential as Rotarians, and valuable skills impacting their potential leadership in the club.

Membership growth is dependent on the quality of Rotary clubs, as clubs with good leadership are more likely to involve their members in exciting service activities and programs and, consequently, to retain their members and attract new ones.